“Don’t marry any woman that can’t give you monthly allowance”— Daddy Freeze instructs men

Popular Instagram sensational, Daddy Freeze plainly ordered his fellow men to boldly refuse any lady that can’t afford to pay them a monthly allowances.

Daddy Freeze said men should exhibit the act of asking ladies the question of what are they bringing to the table as in terms of financial succour.

As according to him, women who can’t provide financial assistance to any man does not worth getting married to.

Daddy Freeze then went on to say men should look forth in searching for a woman who earn more income to marry, adding that she must be beautiful, curvy and good in bed because this are what the women always rate men with.

See video

As usual netizens didn’t waste time but quickly to drop their comments

@EfaEmori wrote “Woman place husband on monthly allowance. So Oga Freeze, your wife wia no be hungry woman put you on monthly allowance? Or you’re just saying it to make her put you on monthly allowance?”

@Sir_Blezene—”DF sha Wan scatter this relationship pool wey we dey manage”

@afrisagacity—”I totally support Daddy Freeze!
Every man should demand an allowance from their woman. Why not? After all, it is said that “what a man can do, a woman can do better.” And to add, “we need gender equality.”
Men should also relax and be taken care of – enjoy Medicare and pedicure to elevate our mood.
They should also lay flat and have their women “bang” them until they reach intense orgasm. And when the fetus enters, the men should be allowed to crave “all the nonsense” in the mid of the night.
It’s a new world order – gender equality is the new life! Hope this helps “

@dexpirenz —”Interesting times here… Just as they were shouting don’t marry a man who can place you on monthly salary, who can buy you this or that. Now is there turn, the table has turn to them. Perhaps, this is true.
Afterall, they said what a man can do, a woman can do mush better.”

@lavehzee—”Tbvh men are meant to provide for women, at least be a man that’s why you are a man, man up and hustle hard to take care of your woman.”

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